Monthly Archives: January 2010

British Library

I had the good fortune, in the 1980s, to do research in the original historic British Library. Today, a segment of it is preserved within the British Museum. When I walked in and looked around a few years ago, I found myself with a lump in my throat. I asked a guard if many people had an emotional reaction to revisiting the place and he said many visitors find themselves in tears and tell him stories of  what they once studied and wrote there.


Just saw a ref. to Ibiza. I feel fortunate to have fond memories of the beaches and parties decades ago when it was just good time decadent and outrageous and quite beautiful – – not yet so ridiculously glitzy and non-stop over-the-top.

About Crying

A woman named Cindy posted this comment in a discussion I sometimes follow:

I’ve cried for a long time. I cried when I hit 50 and realized that my partner and I would probably never have a legal relationship…. in the United States, anyway. Tears multiplied when my first grandson was born, seeing the world George Bush was creating for him. I briefly stopped when Obama won the election, feeling some hope for the first time in decades. But then the joy of that was severely tempered by the Prop 8 results in California. My heart did leap for joy when Obama was inaugurated, but then…. fears about a crazy person with a gun, My second grandson was born, but then Obama’s own lack of follow through on his promises to the LGBT community, his lack of taking a firm stand & providing direction during the health care fight, and now….. the loss of the 60 seat majority to pure Democratic party incompetence and the SCOTUS ruling on campaign financing. Well, it kind of felt like the wrong time to bring an innocent life into the mess this country has become. And then there’s Haiti. Well, at least Americans are answering the call in Haiti. But, as to having the “audacity of hope.” Not far from my home, flying high on a massive flag pole and illuminated at night, is a Confederate battle flag that is owned and flown by “Sons Of Confederate War Veterans.” Yes, the Tampa, Florida version of the group South Carolina Congressman Joe “You Lie” Wilson belongs to. Hope? Not for a long time. Not for a very very long time. I cry a lot.

I found myself replying . . .

Oh Cindy,

I hope you know you are nowhere near alone in what you feel about everything on your list (and more). These are rough, rough times, and many of us over 50 are damned tired. Sometimes a good cry is in order – – also throwing things (unbreakable, maybe pillows) and generally stomping about and denouncing the viciousness, cruelty, and frightening stupidity we encounter out there. Then, after a while, a big hug, some healing music and back into the fray. What other choice do we have? (And that question makes me cry.)


“I can UNDERSTAND pessimism, but I don’t BELIEVE in it. It’s not simply a matter of faith, but of historical EVIDENCE. Not overwhelming evidence, just enough to give HOPE, because for hope we don’t need certainty, only POSSIBILITY.” – – Howard Zinn


Django was born 100 years ago today. “Music in the form of a man” one fellow musician called him. Le Jazz Hot? Absolutely. But Nuages spoke to the soul of occupied France.

Bearden: She-Ba

Need this just now as a balm to the spirit.

Goodbye to Eric Rohmer

Friend Connie and I recall going to see  our first Rohmer film many years ago, My Night At Maud’s, and feeling like convent school dinosaurs. Although we are not Catholic, some of our eclectic education was at the hands of  old school, old world nuns in the days of the Latin Mass, and the arcane theological debates in the film seemed commonplace to us.

Massachusetts Politics

In no particular order, you name it, if it’s progressive Scott Brown has spoken or voted against it: filed legislation to allow hospitals to refuse emergency contraception in rape cases; says Wall St. and bank bonuses are legit; indicated on CNN Obama’s mother was not married; voted against funding mammograms for the uninsured; against same sex marriage, of course; claims he knows little about tea partiers although he has spoken at a number of their rallies; doubts there is any human influence on global warming; defends water boarding; has pledged to vote against any congressional health care plan, supports Israeli settlements. . . He’s solidly far right, but also not very bright so he’s a real follower. As a personality he can be really mean-spirited as well. His campaign has been a fascinating example of the power of hate-mongering media. All the little Rush-lings on the many talk stations hereabouts have been whipping their listeners and callers into an anti-Obama, anti-Kennedy legacy frenzy on Brown’s behalf. And it has worked.  Coakley is solid, but bland as a personality. Brown is clearly dim but quite photogenic. Rough days.


Candidate Brown criticized Coakley for speaking at MLK Breakfast calling it a political gesture. Smooth move for a ruthless hypocrite who would never accept such an invitation because he and his followers want nothing to do with King and his beliefs.

A Fitting Response

Olbermann tears Limbaugh, Robertson apart