Variety, Spice, Life

This blog is a scrapbook / compendium of things that catch my attention, interest or imagination. There are videos, pictures of various sorts, a few of the articles and essays I have published – – including some from long ago that turn up on Google and that I copy here to save them, so there is a scrambled chronology – – and a side order of occasional Tweets.

Some topics on Front Page:

Sculpture, museums, ghost chairs, gender, Paris, politics, Jules et Jim, Venice, race, painting, Satie, demise of jazz clubs, Ben Richardson, Florence – – maybe Rome, photographs by Dan Bering, Orangina, Richard Pryor,  Nantucket 20 years ago, African masks, Capezio ballerina flats, mirrors or windows?, anchovies, Phillis Wheatley, seaweed, Che,  majolica, The Magic Flute, libraries, the song Suzanne, I saw Lenny Bruce perform live, Cliff Truesdell, Obama inauguration, Rev. Lowery’s prayer, Suzanne Wenger and Osogbo shrines, Urs Landis, Achebe, Marilyn Richardson, Orbert Davis, Garland Eliason, Bill French, Marion Brown, Garcia Lorca, Whoopi Goldberg, Iran,  the city of Fez, Pam Taylor, Cape Coast Castle, Sen. Ted Kennedy, Paris memorial plaques, Havana 500,000 peace concert, Nadia Boulanger, 18 rue Soufflot, Yom Kippur birthday, Face Book Obama assassination poll, Ashley Bryan, Brother Blue, John Brown, Howard ZinnItalian publisher, Leonard Cohen, avenue Junot, Mass. 54th Regiment, Space Jellyfish, Thomas Hoving, British Museum, British Library, Ibiza, Dorothy Height, Lena Horne, Cleopatra, T.J. Anderson, The Koran, Sarah Parker Remond, Salem, Massachusetts, The Norwegian Slaughter, Emancipation Proclamation 150 Years Ago, Gerda Lerner, Richard Long, election, Michael Tilson Thomas, Fractals

horus eye

4 responses to “Variety, Spice, Life

  1. Wow. What a fascinating list of topics. How can I sign up to be a follower here?


  2. Marilyn:

    Your blog is highly informative, well written with an impressive layout. Thanks for sharing your creative gift with the world.



  3. Hi ! might you have access to a catalog raisonne or other
    publication or curator or historian who might be able to correctly identify the name of this sculpture by Edmonia Wildfire Lewis.
    Pictures below, measures 30″ high, by 20 inches, depicts three nativeamericans fighting (one is being stabbed, one down, one holding a sprea). Maybe there is a book orother online resource dbase? That I wouldn’t have access to…

    would love to know who owned it and when/what it was last auctioned for- or if stolen…? Pictures of the sculpture



  4. you’ve won my “follow” with the second row satie-mentioning. great taste in you interests!


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