Monthly Archives: May 2016

Deadly School Administration Bullies


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Sadly, the default public school position is CYA, no matter how many anti-bullying “policies” they claim to have in place. And too many white parents of non-white kids still believe that the world is basically fair, and that making reasonable complaints and calling attention to a serious problem will be answered with reason and action. Not so.

That’s a deadly status quo made worse by the awful reality that teachers and administrators hold the same ignorant biases, prejudices, and stereotypes that motivate the student bullies. 

It feels counter-intuitive to many good, peace-loving, decent people, but when really toxic bullying that takes a dangerous toll on a child happens, parents have to escalate things and ride to war like avenging furies. One part of that is that a stricken child has to see that his or her parents will Go. To. The. Bleeping Mat. to rescue them from the vicious students and from the school administration adults who have abandoned them to the bullies.

Sliding Down the Razor Blade of Politics

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Trump is going to continue to use up all the oxygen in the room, in the media, in the national political consciousness. And HRC will be gasping for air and attention. The MSM dotes on him like a helicopter parent enabling a rotten, spoiled, bullying child.

Hillary has two public tonal and personality notes — monotone wonk for interviews, and ascending shrill for campaign rallies. Where Trump is clever and entertaining to his followers, and hypnotic like a poisonous cobra to the rest of us, she, unfortunately, is just very hard to listen to after about 15 minutes. And there is zero sense of wondering what unexpected thing she might say next.

Of course she will be able to nail him to the wall on all things presidential in one-on-one debates, but no voters are really going to be swayed at that point — everyone already knows that “what you see is what you get” with both of them. What is there to learn?

I hate this feeling of whiplash between thinking that this vicious ignorant buffoon could never get elected, and the sinking feeling that the outcome could be razor thin — in either direction.
